What to Do If Your Eyes Feel Irritated While Wearing Heart Eye Contacts?

heart eye contacts

Heart-eye contact can be a fun and fashionable way to change your look, but eye irritation can be an unwelcome side effect. Here’s what you should do if you experience discomfort while wearing these decorative lenses.

1. Remove the Contacts Immediately

The first step is to remove the heart eye contacts as soon as you feel any irritation. Continuing to wear them can exacerbate the problem and potentially cause more serious issues.

2. Rinse Your Eyes

Once the lenses are out, rinse your eyes with a sterile saline solution or artificial tears. This helps to wash away any debris or irritants that may be causing discomfort.

3. Inspect the Lenses

Carefully examine your heart eye contacts for any signs of damage, such as tears or particles stuck to the surface. Damaged or dirty lenses can irritate your eyes and should not be worn again.

4. Clean the Lenses Thoroughly

If the lenses appear to be in good condition, clean them thoroughly using a proper contact lens solution. Do not use water or saliva to clean your lenses, as these can introduce harmful bacteria.

Scary Red Colored Contact Lenses - Icoloured® Eye Contacts

5. Check Your Hands and Hygiene Practices

Before handling your contacts, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Poor hygiene can lead to contamination of the lenses and subsequent eye irritation.

6. Evaluate Your Lens Care Routine

Reassess your contact lens care routine. Ensure you are following the recommended steps for cleaning, storing, and replacing your lenses. Using old or improperly stored lenses can lead to eye discomfort and infections.

7. Take a Break from Wearing Contacts

Give your eyes a rest from wearing contacts, especially if they feel irritated. Switch to glasses for a few days to allow your eyes to recover.

8. Consult an Eye Care Professional

If irritation persists after taking the above steps, consult an eye care professional. They can determine if there’s an underlying issue, such as an infection or an allergy, and provide appropriate treatment.

9. Consider Switching Brands or Types

If you frequently experience irritation with your current heart eye contacts, you might need to try a different brand or type. Some lenses are made with materials that are more compatible with sensitive eyes.

Wearing heart eye contacts should be a fun and comfortable experience. By following these steps, you can address irritation quickly and effectively, ensuring your eyes stay healthy and your look remains fabulous. Always prioritize eye health and never hesitate to seek professional advice if problems persist.